2011年3月31日 星期四

Underage drinking and Drunk driving laws

In the u.s. State of Rhode Island, as in any other State, the legal drinking age is 21 years of age or older. The legal drinking age refers to how old someone must be to purchase, possess and consume alcohol. Although there are a few exceptions, these are the laws generally respected.

Because persons below the age of 21 cannot legally consume alcohol in most cases, also does not operate vehicles under the influence of alcohol. Although this fact does not change, even for persons of the age difference is permitted blood alcohol content.

For persons 21 years old or older, legal is .08 BAC. This means that a person operating a motor vehicle which is .08 BAC or higher may be arrested for driving. Conversely, people who are under the age of 21 can be arrested for DUI with a BAC of. 02 or higher.

Rhode Island Lawmakers justify this by stating that the BAC of. 02 or higher is conclusive proof that a person has consumed alcohol. Because it is a criminal offence for minors to consume alcohol, BAC of. 02 is enough for her arrest.

Minors with DEPRESSION may face underage drinking and drunk driving penalties, even if they are not actually intoxicated at the time of arrest.

Minors who have been accused of driving and illegal possession or consumption of alcohol will likely face trial, especially if they are over 18 years of age or older. In these cases, it is important for minors to seek experienced criminal defence to represent them during their trials.

To learn more about DWI and the rule of law, visit the Web site of Rhode Island DUI defense attorney James Powderly.

